media news

metromedia News Roundup

 A weekly roundup of media news that we think is worth knowing about.

This week: despite the increase of digital media consumption; newspapers still garner more attention from consumers, and are an attractive acquisition for media companies.

As Digital Fatigue Sets In, Readers are Waking Up to Newspapers

Editor & Publisher

It’s no secret that digital media has been growing to the point of being inescapable in daily life. As a side effect of that, readers have begun to suffer digital fatigue. In order to stay connected and up-to-date with the news of the world, more and more people are tuning back into newspapers – the traditional media format that is supposedly in decline.

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Behind the recent surge in newspaper deals

Media Life Magazine

Contrary to the popular belief that the newspaper industry is in dire straits, media companies have been buying up newspapers in increasing numbers. Papers offer a good return on investment and can be a profitable investment for media companies large and small.

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